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The book on Energy

Beyond Light Bulbs:

Lighting the Way to Smarter Energy Management

Beyond Light Bulbs helps readers move beyond the gloom, doom, and information overload of global warming and the energy crisis. As an engineer, MBA and expert in organizational energy management, Susan Meredith provides real-life examples of how consumers and organizations can contribute to our bright energy future. You don't have to be an engineer to understand the simple framework for the comprehensive solution presented here though. And, while a solution is provided, it's not THE solution; rather it uses the proposed solution as a vehicle to illustrate the components required. Working together, we can turn from survivability to thrive-ability for all on planet Earth.

Table of Contents

The Energy Management Opportunity
Dependence on Oil (Transportation)
Global Warming
Energy Demand (Green Living)
Green Building
The Economy
Energy Supply (Renewables)
Energy Storage
Energy Distribution (Grids)
Government Involvement
Global Relationships
The Transition
What We All Can Do

Signed copies are available at Orders and Registrations. For more information, and to read articles by Susan and see news clips, visit

If you would like information on how to green your home or office, visit

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